DID YOU KNOW? Elin Kang July 14, 2023


Exploring The World Of QR “Quick Response” Codes

DynamicQRP is a pioneering company that leverages QR code technology to seamlessly connect users to our innovative Video-StiQR software. Our primary focus lies in redefining the functionality of QR codes and introducing a range of video-enhanced products. Although we have recently launched our Video STiQR line, we have been actively experimenting with and refining dynamic QR code scripting since 2011. As a result of our early development endeavors, we have successfully obtained a unique patent for our “method” that simplifies the process of adding and updating videos on a single QR code.
To delve deeper into our extraordinary Video Stiqr product and discover the unparalleled gift-giving experience it offers, please explore our website.

Additionally, the following information provides educational insights into QR codes, their historical background, and the distinctions between static and dynamic QR codes.

The Basics — What are QR Codes?

QR codes, short for Quick Response codes, are two-dimensional barcodes that can be scanned using a smartphone or a QR code reader. They were first created in Japan in 1994 by Denso Wave, a subsidiary of Toyota, to track vehicle parts during manufacturing. QR codes gained widespread popularity due to their ability to store large amounts of data and their ease of use.

QR codes consist of black squares arranged on a white background, typically in a square shape. These codes can encode various types of information, including website URLs, text, phone numbers, email addresses, Wi-Fi network details, and more. The data is encoded within the pattern of the squares and can be read by scanning the code using a QR code reader app, via a camera of a smartphone, or a tablet. Today, many smartphones come with built-in QR code scanning capabilities in their default camera apps.

When you scan a QR code with your device’s camera, it analyzes the pattern of the code and interprets the encoded information. Here are some common usages.

Website Connect: The QR code can link you to a website, or a specific webpage. In this usage scenario, the QR code contains a website URL, the scanning app will typically prompt you to open the website in a browser.

Contact Information: QR codes can contain contact information. When scanned, it might prompt you to add the contact to your address book.

Marketing Plus: Today, QR codes have become increasingly popular in various applications. They are commonly used in advertising and marketing to provide quick access to product information, discounts, or promotional offers.

Services & Product Needs: They can also be found on event tickets, business cards, restaurant menus, and even product packaging. QR codes have proven to be a convenient and efficient way to bridge the gap between offline and online content, enabling users to access information or perform specific actions with a simple scan.

Overall, QR codes are versatile tools that allow for the easy transfer of information between the physical and digital worlds. They have found widespread adoption due to their ease of use, broad compatibility, and ability to store various types of data.

Static QR Codes VS Dynamic QR Codes — Who wins?

There are two main types of QR codes: static QR codes and dynamic QR codes. The main difference between the two lies in the way the encoded information is stored.

What is a Static QR Code?
Static QR codes contain fixed information that does not change over time. The most common usage is directing the scan to a specific URL, usually the home page of a website. Once created, it cannot be edited or repurposed without generating a new QR code graphic. In conclusion, whenever the static QR code is scanned, it will always direct the user to the same information.

What is a Dynamic QR Code?
A dynamic QR code refers to a type of QR code that offers flexibility in its usage. Unlike static fixed-linking QR codes, dynamic QR codes can be modified or updated without altering the physical QR code graphic itself. Dynamic QR Codes allow for greater adaptability and accommodate changing needs.

When a dynamic QR code is scanned, the scanning device retrieves the latest information from a server or platform. This ensures that the QR code always provides up-to-date content or functionality. In certain cases, such as with our Video STiQR product, a dynamic QR code may also include an admin system, enabling the creator to easily edit the QR code’s content in a single step.

In summary, static QR codes are suitable when the encoded information remains the same and doesn’t need frequent updates. On the other hand, dynamic QR codes provide more flexibility and control over the delivered content. With dynamic QR codes, you can use a single QR code graphic without the need to recreate, reprint, or redistribute it, offering a convenient experience for scanning and linking.